Modelling covariates in marginal relative survival models
I have described how to fit a marginal relative survival moded to give an internally (age) standardized estimate and how this can be extended to give an externally age standardized estimate. This example shows how to incorporate covariates into the marginal model whilst, still age standardizing.
I again use the Melanoma data, restricting to those diagnosed in the later calendar perdiod, 1985-1994, but will compare relative survival between males and females. I restrict follow-up to 10 years after diagnosis using the exit()
use if year8594 == 1
(Skin melanoma, diagnosed 1975-94, follow-up to 1995)
stset surv_mm, failure(status=1,2) id(id) exit(time 120.5) scale(12)
data settings
variable: id
Failure event: status==1 2_n-1], surv_mm]
Observed time interval: (surv_mm[on or before: time 120.5
Exit for analysis: time/12
--------------------------------------------------------------------------total observations
0 exclusions
4,744 observations remaining, representing
4,744 subjectsin single-failure-per-subject data
1,401 failures total analysis time at risk and under observation
At risk from t = 0
Earliest observed entry t = 0exit t = 10.04167
Last observed
gen female = sex==2 .
I will first estimate the non-parametric estimate of marginal relative survival using stpp
. I will use the by(female)
option to estimate separately for males and females. As the age distribution between males and females could potentially be different I need to age standardize. I will use the ICSS weights (Corazziari et al.).
// change age groups to those defined in ICSS
. drop agegrp
egen agegrp=cut(age), at(0 45 55 65 75 200) icodes
replace agegrp = agegrp + 1
. real changes made)
label variable agegrp "Age group"
label define agegrplab 1 "0-44" 2 "45-54" 3 "55-64" 4 "65-74" 5 "75+", replace
label values agegrp agegrplab
. recode agegrp (1=0.28) (2=0.17) (3=0.21) (4=0.20) (5=0.14), gen(ICSSwt)
. (4,744 differences between agegrp and ICSSwt)
The relative weights (explained in the example on external age standardization) have to been calculated separately for males and females. This can be done as follows.
//Proportion within each age group by sex to calculate weights
. bysort female: egen totalsex = total(sex)
bysort agegrp female: gen a_age_sex = _N/totalsex
gen double wt_age_sex = ICSSwt/a_age_sex .
The non-parametric Pohar estimator can be obtained using stpp
using, ///
. stpp R_pp ///
> agediag(age) datediag(dx) pmother(sex) by(female) ///
> indweights(wt_age_sex)
. frame put R_pp* female _t, into(PP)
I have saved the Pohar Perme estimates in a frame, so I can plot them in after using mrsprep
Using mrsprep
to enable modelling of covariates
As the individual level weights have been calculated all that has to be added to mrsprep
is the by(female)
option. This will calculate the mean expected mortality rate needed to fit the model separately for males and females. The individual weights are incorporated into both the weighted mean expected mortality rate and the time-dependent weights.
using ///
. mrsprep ///
> , pmother(sex) agediag(age) datediag(dx) ///
> breaks(0(0.2)10) ///
> indweights(wt_age_sex) by(female) >
Modelling proceeds as before, but now we can model the effect of sex. A proportional excess hazards marginal model can be fitted as follows,
stset tstop [iweight=wt], enter(tstart) failure(event==1)
data settings
Failure event: event==1
Observed time interval: (0, tstop]on or after: time tstart
Enter on or before: failure
Exit iweight=wt]
Weight: [
--------------------------------------------------------------------------total observations
0 exclusions
112,229 observations remaining, representingin single-record/single-failure data
1,401 failures total analysis time at risk and under observation
At risk from t = 0
Earliest observed entry t = 0exit t = 10
Last observed
scale(lncumhazard) df(5) bhazard(meanhazard_wt) vce(cluster id) eform
. stpm3 female,
Iteration 0: Log pseudolikelihood = -7837.7029
Iteration 1: Log pseudolikelihood = -7733.1564
Iteration 2: Log pseudolikelihood = -7733.0105
Iteration 3: Log pseudolikelihood = -7733.0103
of obs = 112,229
Number chi2(1) = 15.70
Wald chi2 = 0.0001
Log pseudolikelihood = -7733.0103 Prob >
for 4,744 clusters in id)
(Std. err. adjusted
| Robustexp(b) std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval]
-------------+----------------------------------------------------------------xb |
female | .7012648 .0628019 -3.96 0.000 .5883728 .8358176
time |
_ns1 | -17.60777 1.009002 -17.45 0.000 -19.58537 -15.63016
_ns2 | 4.485199 .5017806 8.94 0.000 3.501727 5.468671
_ns3 | -1.051828 .0948416 -11.09 0.000 -1.237714 -.8659419
_ns4 | -.610668 .0794981 -7.68 0.000 -.7664814 -.4548545
_ns5 | -.1254523 .1242051 -1.01 0.312 -.3688897 .1179852_cons | -1.086839 .0893483 -12.16 0.000 -1.261959 -.9117199
------------------------------------------------------------------------------in the first equation. Note: Estimates are transformed only
This gives a marginal excess hazard (mortality rate) ratio of 0.70. Note we would expect this be different from a standard (conditional) relative survival model adjusting for age due to the non collapsability of (excess) hazard ratios.
The proportionality assumption can be relaxed by incorporating an interaction between sex and the effect of time from diagnosis.
scale(lncumhazard) df(5) bhazard(meanhazard_wt) vce(cluster id) ///
. stpm3 female,
> tvc(female) dftvc(3)
Iteration 0: Log pseudolikelihood = -7840.0016
Iteration 1: Log pseudolikelihood = -7729.7635
Iteration 2: Log pseudolikelihood = -7729.2387
Iteration 3: Log pseudolikelihood = -7729.2339
Iteration 4: Log pseudolikelihood = -7729.2339
of obs = 112,229
Number chi2(1) = 5.16
Wald chi2 = 0.0231
Log pseudolikelihood = -7729.2339 Prob >
for 4,744 clusters in id)
(Std. err. adjusted
| Robuststd. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval]
| Coefficient
--------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------xb |
female | -.3247996 .1430029 -2.27 0.023 -.6050802 -.044519
time |
_ns1 | -20.13637 2.235546 -9.01 0.000 -24.51796 -15.75478
_ns2 | 5.991217 1.097732 5.46 0.000 3.839702 8.142732
_ns3 | -.9444574 .1238416 -7.63 0.000 -1.187183 -.7017323
_ns4 | -.5818713 .1157506 -5.03 0.000 -.8087382 -.3550043
_ns5 | -.1408935 .1529997 -0.92 0.357 -.4407674 .1589803
c.female#c._ns_tvc1 | 3.507369 2.594049 1.35 0.176 -1.576874 8.591612
c.female#c._ns_tvc2 | -2.433839 1.310774 -1.86 0.063 -5.00291 .1352315
c.female#c._ns_tvc3 | .0382472 .2393267 0.16 0.873 -.4308247 .507319
|_cons | -1.107289 .1106139 -10.01 0.000 -1.324088 -.8904897
predict s_mrs_male s_mrs_female, surv timevar(0 10, step(0.1)) ci frame(mrs) ///
> at1(female 0) at2(female 1)in frame - mrs Predictions are stored
I have predicted marginal relative survival separately for males and females. These can be shown in the plot below.
. frame PP {twoway (rarea R_pp_lci R_pp_uci _t if !female, sort connect(stairstep) color(%30)) ///
. if female, sort connect(stairstep) color(%30)) ///
> (rarea R_pp_lci R_pp_uci _t line R_pp _t if !female, sort lpattern(dot) connect(stairstep) pstyle(p1line)) ///
> (line R_pp _t if female, sort lpattern(dot) connect(stairstep) pstyle(p2line)), ///
> (ylabel(0.6(0.1)1, format(%3.1f)) ///
> ytitle("Marginal relative survival") ///
> xtitle("Years from diagnosis") ///
> name(sex_compare, replace)
. }
addplot: (line s_mrs_male* tt, sort pstyle(p1line..) lpattern(solid dash dash))
. frame mrs:
addplot: (line s_mrs_female* tt, sort pstyle(p2line..) lpattern(solid dash dash) ///
. frame mrs: legend(order(5 "Males" 8 "Females") ///
> ring(0) cols(1) pos(7))) >
Thus we have obtained externally age standardized estimates of marginal relative survival without the need to stratify or model the effect of age.
Lambert PC, Syriopoulou E, Rutherford MJ. Direct modelling of age standardized marginal relative survival through incorporation of time-dependent weights. BMC Medical Research Methodology 2021;21:84
Corazziari I, Quinn M, Capocaccia R. Standard cancer patient population for age standardising survival ratios. European Journalo of Cancer 2004;40:2307-2316