RMST of Standardized Survival Functions
Here I will show another useful measure from standardized survival functions. There have been several papers promoting the use of restricted mean survival time (RMST) in clinical trials. The arguments are (i) ease of interpretation (though I am not convinced a restricted mean is that easy to explain) and (ii) providing a simple summary in the presence of non-proportional hazards. See Royston and Parmar (2013) for a description of the use of the measure in RCTs.
The restricted mean survival time at time \(t^*\) is defined as, \[ E\left[min(t,t^*)\right] \] i.e. it is the mean up to some point \(t^*\). The treatment effect in a RCT can be defined as the difference in RMST between the randomized arms at time \(t^*\). The RMST can be estimated by calculating the area under the survival curve between 0 and \(t^*\). In an observational study where we need to take account of potential confounders, we can define the RMST of the standardized survival function as
\[ RMST(t^*|X=x,Z) = \int_0^{t^*} E\left[S(t|X=x,Z)\right] \]
and is estimated by
\[ \widehat{RMST}(t^*|X=x,Z) = \int_0^{t^*} \frac{1}{N}\sum\_{i=1}^{N}S(t|X=x,Z=z_i)] \]
Contrasts between exposure groups can either be differences or ratios,
\[ \widehat{RMST}(t^*|X=1,Z) - \widehat{RMST}(t^*|X=0,Z) \]
\[ \frac{\widehat{RMST}(t^*|X=1,Z)}{\widehat{RMST}(t^*|X=0,Z)} \]
Standardized RMST and contrasts is implemented in standsurv
using the rmst
I will use the Rotterdam Breast cancer data. The code below loads and stset
’s the data and then fits a model using stpm3
use https://www.pclambert.net/data/rott3, clear
. data (augmented with cause of death))
(Rotterdam breast cancer
stset os, f(osi==1) scale(12) exit(time 120)
data settings
Failure event: osi==1
Observed time interval: (0, os]on or before: time 120
Exit for analysis: time/12
--------------------------------------------------------------------------total observations
0 exclusions
2,982 observations remaining, representingin single-record/single-failure data
1,171 failures total analysis time at risk and under observation
At risk from t = 0
Earliest observed entry t = 0exit t = 10
Last observed
scale(lncumhazard) df(4) eform nolog tvc(i.hormon) dftvc(3)
. stpm3 i.hormon age enodes pr_1,
of obs = 2,982
Number chi2(4) = 615.95
Wald chi2 = 0.0000
Log likelihood = -2666.5968 Prob >
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------exp(b) Std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval]
------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------xb |
hormon |
yes | .8499802 .0963501 -1.43 0.152 .6806444 1.061445
age | 1.013249 .0024115 5.53 0.000 1.008534 1.017987
enodes | .1132408 .011008 -22.41 0.000 .0935963 .1370084
pr_1 | .9061179 .0119267 -7.49 0.000 .8830411 .9297979
time |
_ns1 | -27.09524 2.109681 -12.84 0.000 -31.23014 -22.96034
_ns2 | 8.647725 1.122097 7.71 0.000 6.448455 10.84699
_ns3 | -1.072205 .0477674 -22.45 0.000 -1.165827 -.9785823
_ns4 | -.6930019 .0518048 -13.38 0.000 -.7945373 -.5914664
hormon#c._ns_tvc1 |
yes | 5.425507 3.92237 1.38 0.167 -2.262197 13.11321
hormon#c._ns_tvc2 |
yes | -3.309698 2.096769 -1.58 0.114 -7.419291 .7998943
hormon#c._ns_tvc3 |
yes | -.1256484 .195217 -0.64 0.520 -.5082667 .25697
|_cons | .7984459 .1615956 4.94 0.000 .4817244 1.115168
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------in the first equation. Note: Estimates are transformed only
I have made the effect of our exposure, hormon
, time-dependent using the tvc
option to illustrate that we can have interactions etc with our exposure in our model. This is an interaction with time, i.e. non proportional hazards.
I first calculate the standardized survival curves where everyone is forced to be exposed and then unexposed.
range timevar 0 10 100
. missing values generated)
ci frame(surv, replace) ///
. standsurv, surv timevar(timevar)
> at1(hormon 0) at2(hormon 1) atvar(S_hormon0 S_hormon1)
. frame surv {twoway (area S_hormon0 timevar, sort fcolor(%30)) ///
. legend(off) ///
> , ylabel(0(0.1)1, format(%3.1f)) ///
> ytitle("S(t)") ///
> xtitle("Years from surgery") ///
> title("No treatment") ///
> name(hormon0, replace)
. twoway (area S_hormon1 timevar, sort pstyle(p2line) fcolor(%30)) ///
. legend(off) ///
> , ylabel(0(0.1)1, format(%3.1f)) ///
> ytitle("S(t)") ///
> xtitle("Years from surgery") ///
> title("Treatment") ///
> name(hormon1, replace)
. graph combine hormon0 hormon1, nocopies
. . }
The RMST at 10 years for each of the standardized survival functions is the area under the standardized survival curve, shown by the shaded areas in the graphs above.
I will now run standsurv
again with the rmst
option to estimate these togther with the difference in RMST. I only want the RMST at 10 years so create a variable t_rmst10
with only one observation, equal to 10.
gen t10 = 10 in 1
. missing values generated)
ci frame(rmst, replace) ///
. standsurv, rmst timevar(t10) ///
> at1(hormon 0) at2(hormon 1) atvar(rmst_h0 rmst_h1) > contrast(difference) contrastvar(rmstdiff)
I will first list the standardized RMST in both treatment groups.
list t10 rmst_h0* rmst_h1* in 1, noobs abb(12)
. frame rmst:
| t10 rmst_h0 rmst_h0_lci rmst_h0_uci rmst_h1 rmst_h1_lci rmst_h1_uci |
| 10 7.5444253 7.4318217 7.658735 7.9386172 7.687098 8.198366 | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
The RMST at 10 years is 7.54 years in those not taking treatment and 7.94 years in those taking treatment. The 95% confidence intervals are also shown. As I used the contrast(difference)
option I can look at the difference in RMST at 10 years.
list t10 rmstdiff* in 1, noobs abb(12)
. frame rmst:
| t10 rmstdiff rmstdiff_lci rmstdiff_uci |
| 10 .39419189 .116234 .67214979 | +-----------------------------------------------+
The difference is 0.39 years (95% CI 0.12 to 0.67).
The RMST will vary by the choice of \(t^*\). A range of values of \(t^*\) can be given and then plotted.
range t_rmst 0 10 50
. missing values generated)
ci frame(rmst2, replace) ///
. standsurv, rmst timevar(t_rmst) ///
> at1(hormon 0) at2(hormon 1) atvar(rmst_h0 rmst_h1) > contrast(difference) contrastvar(rmstdiff)
We can plot how the RMST changes and the difference in RMST changes as a function of \(t^\*\).
. frame rmst2 {twoway (line rmst_h0 rmst_h1 t_rmst) ///
. legend(order(1 "No treatment" 2 "Treatment") cols(1) pos(11)) ///
> , ytitle("RMST (years)") ///
> xtitle("Years from surgery") ///
> name(RMST,replace)
. twoway (rarea rmstdiff_lci rmstdiff_uci t_rmst, color(blue%20)) ///
. line rmstdiff t_rmst, lcolor(blue)) ///
> (legend(off) ///
> , ylabel(, format(%3.1f)) ///
> ytitle("Difference in RMST (years)") ///
> xtitle("Years from surgery") ///
> name(RMSTdiff, replace)
. graph combine RMST RMSTdiff, nocopies
. . }
Royston, P. Parmar, M. K. B. Restricted mean survival time: an alternative to the hazard ratio for the design and analysis of randomized trials with a time-to-event outcome. BMC medical research methodology 2013;13:152